Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One crazy week

This week has been a crazy one. We have moved from a small house to a one bedroom apartment while our bathroom is being fixed, while preparing for my mom and dad to come up for Harley's birthday party next weekend. Plus all of the normal running around for school, dr visits, and activities.

Wednesday I took the girls to the optometrist. They both did really well. Natalie went first so Harley could see everything that was going to happen. Harley kept pointing to the two different machines they have you look through saying, "I'm not doing that." When they asked her to she was very compliant. It ended up that Natalie is farted. So she will be getting glasses this week. She chose a pair of plum wire frames. She looks very cute in them. When I took Natalie to school she was telling everyone she is getting glasses. Mrs. Thiem said, "Oh, you'll be able to see so much better with them!" Natalie's response was, "I can see with out them." I can remember when my brother Michael got his glasses it was like he was seeing the world for the first time. I hope her sight isn't all that bad. I will feel horrible if she has not really seen everything. She is excited for now, but I worry that someone will be mean and she will not want to wear them. When Harley and I got home we were talking to Randle about it and Harley informed us that she thinks she will take some glasses next time we go. She so wants to be like Natalie. It is so funny.

Wed. night was the start of AWANAs. The girls were so excited. When we got there (late of course) they had finished the orientation and were going to class. Natalie got her book so now we can work on memorizing all of the Bible Verses. Harley informed me she was missing some of her patches, and I need to start sewing tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do with her sometimes.

Thursday is show and tell day at Harley's preschool, so there was a lot of stress trying to find the perfect thing. She tried to take every one of our My Little Ponies. I told her she had to choose one. So she said, "Fine, but if it is only one it has to be a big one." She finally decided to take the big white one that changes colors if you put hot or cold water on it. She was very happy after school, apparently her pony was a favorite of all the girls.

This weekend has been soooo rainy. My girls are stuck inside and not happy about it. They are used to running all over camp with Randle on the weekends. Not to mention this is one of Randle's busiest weeks. He will have put in about 76 hours when all is said and done. So they are missing him. I think we all all looking forward to October when the groups will be finished and we can have more family time.

Natalie can't wait to have her glasses and has asked everyday since we went if they have called for us to come pick them up. I'm hoping they call on Monday so that she will stop asking. While I'm glad she is so excited about them, I hate answering the same question over and over. I think she has told everyone she knows about getting them.

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