Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Life's Mysteries

Today, I noticed something weird on the hall wall. It looked like water, but was almost an oil consistency. I could not figure out what the children had done. I called Randle at work and asked if he had sprayed something in the hall lately. He said no. (I hate it when I accuse the kids and then Randle is at fault) When he got home, I showed him the wall. Randle did the same thing I did. We both rubbed a small piece of it, and even smelled it, but still couldn't figure it out. So we ask the girls is they had put something on the wall. Natalie says,"I can tell you what it is." So I think that she is about to blame Harley. Instead, she says, "I've been squeezing the fish oil medicines. I take one and pop one." We had to leave the room for laughing b/c she goes into techniques that work better than others. WOW! We had to explain that we can't waste the medicine, and that she should have asked before hand if she could try or at least told us after the first one sprayed all over the wall. She claims it is only 2, but I am pretty sure by the evidence left on the wall it is more than that.
At church tonight Harley lifter her arms playing ball and I noticed that her belly button had something black in it. I thought "GROSS, she just took a shower." I couldn't figure out what was going on. When we got home I got a Q-tip and tried to clean it. It wouldn't come off. I was beginning to get concerned, thinking she had some nasty fungus, in her belly button! So then I ask, "Did you color your belly button with a marker?" "No" she says. I gave her the "I don't believe you look and tone and said, "Harley?" So then she confesses. I was coloring on my bed and wanted to know if the marker would work on my belly button." WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY CHILDREN?!? Apparently it is Cassady Family Science Experiment Week, but I missed the e-mail. So, now I have a wall that is spattered with fish oil, and a child with a black belly button. This has to be Randle's genes coming out, because I did NOT behave this way. But, on the up side, we have solved two of life's mysteries. Yes, you can color your belly button, and yes, you can pop a fish oil pill. I am sure scientist everywhere are documenting our finds to help us in the future!