Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Festival, and Another Date Night

Tonight our church had a fall festival. There was corn dogs, hamburgers, hot dogs enough for 900 people and they ran out. They have estimated somewhere around 700 people. It was amazing. There were inflatables, a mini carousel, games, and face painting. Our girls had a blast. Natalie dressed up as a fairy, she was way too cute. Harley was a rock star, and let me tell you her hair and make-up were pretty stinkin' cute. I will try and post pics tomorrow. We hosted an archery booth. It went really well, and we handed out around fifty "awards" to kids who hit within the circles somewhere. I have to say, I had as much fun cleaning up as I did walking around the festival. You really get to have some interesting conversations with people when you are cleaning up after a long day and everyone is tired, and has there guard down more than normal. Thanks to Jen for the trip to Starbucks, and to Denise for watching my girlies so that we could help clean up. I really appreciate both of you!

Well, for the first time that I can remember Randle and I got a date night for two weekends in a row. Randle's dad and Bren kept the girls last night. Of course the girls were excited. We got to go to a reading of a new play, dinner at Surin 280, and then dessert at Yogurt Mountain. We had a lot of fun. The play had some language that I would have liked to be omitted, but it was a pretty good story line. Dinner was great, and Yogurt Mountain was a lot of fun. I am afraid that I am going to be spoiled by all the date nights. I met Randle (Sr) and Brenda at Brookwood Mall this morning to get the girls. WDJC was handing out free vouchers to Disney on Ice to kids dressed as a Disney Character. Harley wore Natalie's old Cinderella Costume,and Natalie wore her fairy costume. We got the passes, so I guess they will be going to Disney on Ice. I think my mom is going to take them next Saturday. I know they will love it. It was another exciting and busy day. Tomorrow brings church, and Natalie's last Fall Ball game. Afterwards we will be going to Bruester's as a team and handing out trophies. Natalie will flip! I can't wait. All of the parents decided to keep it a secret. I can't wait!

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