Monday, September 28, 2009

Harley's Birthday and Natalie 1st Softball Game

Harley turned 5 on the 23rd. She wanted to have a Maya and Miguel party at the local park. We invited the kids in her church classes (Wednesday and Sunday) and invited the little girls in her dance class as well as a couple of family friends and of course cousins. She was supposed to have on on the 19th, but we all caught the flu, and it was raining ridiculously. So we rescheduled for the 26th. She has a little friend from her Sunday school come, and a cousin. It rained (drizzled really) for the first little bit, but the sun actually came out after that. She had fun playing at the park, eating cake and especially the pinata. She surprised us all by saying that her cake had too much chocolate. She designed her own cake this year. She asked for a round chocolate cake with two layers. She wanted vanilla ice cream between the two layers, and chocolate chips on top of the ice cream. She wanted chocolate icing, and sprinkles on top and "Happy Birthday Harley" written in red icing. She was pretty detailed. I guess she had put a lot of thought into it. She is a funny little girl.

I can't believe that she is 5 years old. She says she still feels like she's 4. We got her an American Girl Bitty Twin. She has named it Cindy,and she goes everywhere with us. So far she has gone grocery shopping, to the Galleria, to Wal-Mart, and even the ball park. Randle was picking on her by saying the Cindy wanted to stay home instead of going with us Sunday. I said that she could go with us but had to stay in the car during church. Randle then says, "That's OK, she doesn't want to go with us anyway, she wants to stay home and play with toys." Harley gives Randle a look like he is the dumbest person on earth and shouts, "Yes she does, SHE WANT TO LEARN ABOUT JESUS!!" We about lost it. I am very excited the she loves her little dolly. She even bought a new doll stroller with her birthday money.

Natalie had her first softball game yesterday. She said she had fun. She didn't make any hits. She didn't get an opportunity to stop any balls b/c she plays right field. She was so very nervous. She had a great attitude though, and can't wait for practice. We are going to borrow a swing a way from a friend of ours to let her get in some batting practice. They also have a tee that they said we could borrow. We bought her a new bat yesterday that is yellow with flowers on it. She all but slept with it and was asking if we could hit some balls after school. I am glad she is so excited.

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