Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Busy Life

I am so spoiled from our life in Indiana. The girls had YMCA memberships and the Y was only 3 blocks from Natalie's School. I was able to schedule swim lessons and dance right after school, so that we weren't out late. Neither of our girls did sports, so we were home a lot. Not so much anymore. We aren't members of the Y anymore so there are no more swim lessons. But instead of swim we are not doing Monday night Campus Life Meetings in the Hoover area, Wednesday night Bible Quiz and Church, Thursday night Dance, and Friday night Hoover Football Games. We are also about to add Softball practices one or two nights a week and games on Sundays. Then there is the occasional Saturday Bible Quiz Tournament and Sunday night Small Group. We are loving everything we are doing, but wow at the scheduling.

Last Sunday our van broke down, so we have been borrowing Randle's dad's truck. What a blessing it has been. We hope to have ours fixed by this Sunday or Monday. It may be the $15 fuel filter or the $200 fuel pump. We are really hoping for the filter. Either way I am sure God will supply.

Natalie is settling in to school now. She is still saying that she doesn't have friends, but I think it is more of a definition controversy than her not having friends. She plays with her classmates, and every time I am around they are saying hi to her and running up to tell her something. I think that she is defining "friend" as she had them in Indiana. It was different, b/c she had been in a class with the same kids for 3 years. We also went to church with several of them. This was our only real fear when moving from IN to AL. We are trusting God that He will lead her where she needs to be. I know that He is preparing her for her future and it will all end well, with her having learned the lessons, and growing where God needs her too.

Randle's side job will be wrapping up very soon, so we are also trusting God to supply a job. There may be more openings at the temp job he was at before. We have also learned of a couple of job opening in the surrounding areas. This is tough for me. I am having to continually give it back over to God. Obviously I am strengthening my faith and trust in Him right now. I can't wait to see where God takes us and what He has us doing after all of this is over!

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