Saturday, October 11, 2008

Was that a cat?

So, yesterday I sat at a red light waiting to turn onto Hwy. 6 and I saw something fall out from under a truck. I was on the phone with Randle and I said,"Was that a cat?" Of course he couldn't see it through the phone, but as I sat there I realized it was a little kitten. I guess it had crawled underneath on something to hide or get warm. When the light turned green I went up the street a little and turned around. I parked as close to the road as I could get and told the girls to stay in the car, and stay buckled. I got out and waited for at least 10 cars and two 18-wheelers to pass by so I could go rescue the cat. When I got to her she was in a tight ball. I went to pick her up and she went ballistic. She bit my index finger and scratched up my other hand. I finally got her teeth out of my finger, and then realized, I should probably get out of the street. So I went back to my van, and got her calmed down. Natalie and Harley were very upset, because they thought the cat was bleeding. I was trying not to cry because my hand hurt. We took the cat to the Humane Society. I hate to take animals there, but no one we knew wanted a cat, and we can't take any more animals. They had me fill out a bite report. I have been told cat bites are very dangerous and I'm really hoping I don't get an infection. I have been bit by dogs several times, even on my cheek, and it has never hurt like that little kitten. Anyway, the cat is safe, and I have two very sore fingers. I guess it would make sense for me to no do this again, but that is not me. I'm sure I will go after the next animal stranded in the road, with hopes of keeping my hand positioned where I won't be bit.

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