Thursday, July 16, 2009


When Harley was first learning to use the potty we had a hard time getting her to sit on a potty in public long enough to go. (She was used to having books to read) So we started making up stories. I would make up most of the story but I would pause at points and let her name characters or places. I started making a story about a little bunny. I let Harley name the bunny. She named her Emily Apancha Dude. We have now made up Three Emily Apancha Dude stories. Harley loves them so much I decided to blog them so that hopefully they will not be forgotten.
Here is one of three stories:

Once upon a time there was a little bunny named Emily Apancha Dude. Emily loved to swim. One morning she woke up and hopped down the stairs, hop, hop, hop, and said, "Mooooooooommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, can we plllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeease go swimming today?". Emily's mommy said not now Emily, I have to clean house this morning. You go play out side and after lunch we can go to the lake. " Emily was very excited and went outside to play. She played on her swing set, in the sandbox, in her baby pool. She really wanted to go swimming at the lake. Her mom called her in for lunch and told her they would go to the lake after lunch. She ate all of her carrots, all of her broccoli, all of her peas and even her celery. Then she hopped, hopped, hopped up the stairs, changed into her swim suit and went back to her mom. They hopped hopped hopped down the drive way, hopped, hopped, hopped, out the gate, and hopped, hopped, hopped, all the way to the lake. When they got there Emily's mommy sat down in a chair and Emily went straight to the lake. She jumped in, and started swimming. She swam all over the lake. Then she saw the diving board. She was SO excited. She hopped, hopped, hopped over to the diving board, climbed, climbed, climbed, up the the ladder and bounced, one....two.....three....SPLASH. Then she swam, swam, swam over to the edge of the lake, hopped, hopped, hopped over to the diving board. Climbed, climbed, climbed up the ladder, and bounced. One.....Two.....Three.....SPLASH. She did this over and over, until her mom said it was time to go. Emily said" Noooo, please mommy can't we stay?" Mommy said, "No, honey, we have to go home I have to get dinner ready. " They hopped home and Emily was sent upstairs to change clothes. Then she slowly hopped, hopped, hopped, down the stairs and out side to play. She played on the swings, in the sand box, and with her bubbles. All she wanted to do though was swim at the lake. So she very quietly hopped, hopped, hopped up the stairs, tip-toed, tip-toed, tip-toed to the closet, and put on her swim suit. Then she tip-toed, tip-toed, tip-toed down the stairs, tip-toed, tip-toed, tip-toed out the door, hopped hopped, hopped, slowly to the gate. Opened the gate very slowly and hopped, hopped, hopped, as quickly as she could to the lake. Then she hopped, hopped, hopped, to the diving board. Climbed, climbed, climbed the ladder, and bounced, One....Two... "EMILY!!!" she heard the policeman say, "You come down right now! Does your mother know where you are? You go home RIGHT now." She hopped home and started playing in the yard. She played in the sandbox, played on the swing set, and even blew bubbles again, but all she could think about was jumping off the diving board. So she tip-toed, tip-toed, tip-toed to the gate, and hopped, hopped, hopped, allllllllll the way to the lake. Then the hopped, hopped, hopped to the diving board, climbed, climbed, climbed the ladder, and bounced One...Two.....Three....SPLASH. She swam to the edge, and did it three more times. Then the last time she jumped in she heard, "EMILY!!!! GET OUT OF THE LAKE!!! " Emily felt something bump her foot. Then it bumped it again. When she looked behind her she saw it. AN ALLIGATOR!!!! She swam, swam, swam as fast as she could. She got out of the lake as fast as she could. Then hopped, hopped, hopped to her Daddy. They hugged and then he took her straight home where she got sent to bed without any dinner.

Well, while I know it is not a Robert Munsch story, our family loves our own little Emily Apancha Dude series.

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