Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Adventure Conitinues

Randle found out last Wednesday that the temp job he was working ended the following Friday. So that means as of right now, he doesn't have a job. God is supplying everything we need. He has had people share food from their garden and over buying, he has allowed us to pay off the car, and even supplied a side job for Randle for the next bit until he finds a job. God is amazing. Just when things seem to be falling apart, He comes in and pulls them together. He has also allowed me to start selling things on ebay. I have been so blessed with the items I have found (God had Shown) to sell. He is really moving in our lives.

Natalie has started 2nd grade at Mt. Laurel. She is in Mrs Holland and Mrs Ashley's class. It is a team taught class. I am not really sure how I feel about this, but the teachers really think it is a good opportunity. Natalie was completely bored the first two day. A lot of sitting and listening to rules. As a child who follows rules to a fault, she doesn't think she needs the reminder.

Harley has started Dance at Tiffany's Studio for the Arts in Westover. Tiffany is great with the kids. Harley is very excited to be dancing again and to have her own friends. Not being able to go to pre-school this year has been hard on her. They are just too expensive down here.

God is really stretching my faith. He is also showing me some areas where he wants me to step up and lead. They are not foriegn areas to me, but scary just the same.

Our baby chicks have grown size and shrunk in number. We are down to 4. I will try to upload current pictures of them soon. As we continue our walk with God we appreciate all of your prayers that we listen carefully and follow his lead.

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