Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Big Month of Firsts for Harley

This past month has been both busy and momentous for Harley. She started her first season of softball, and has done a great job of learning all the rules. She plays left field, and has usually hits off the first couple pitches. She really wants to play circle. She also has just recently learned to ride her bike without training wheels. We went to a playdate with a family who works at the Kings Ranch. They have 2 boys and a girl. They were all riding bikes and we asked Harley if she wanted to try, she said sure, and Randle had her up and riding before the other mom and I could get back with snacks. So now she can zoom around and keep up with Natalie a lot better. She was so proud, and so were we. Today, she lost her first tooth. It has been loose for almost a month. She wouldn't pull it, so this morning I tried. All I did was grab it and it fell out. She was so excited. She has already called Mrs. Denise and can't wait to call Grandma and Papa when they get off work.

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