Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ending the YMCA Volleyball Season,

Harley got to attend a birthday party for her friend, Maggy, from Undermountain.  It was a bowling party at the local bowling ally, The Cove, in Great Barrington, MA.

Natalie still had some birthday money and wanted to get a few dresses, so we went to Avon, CT. (The closest mall, meaning more than WalMart and Target, not an actual mall) We hit Goodwill, Marshalls, Barnes and Nobles, and Kohls.  Harley only wanted to go to Barnes and Nobles for the next two books in her series.

Natalie had her  last Volleyball Tournament for the YMCA Northwest Juniors.  This time, we went to Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in Cambridge, MA.  Natalie's team came in second in their pool and third in their division.  We were really proud of them.  Natalie got two really good overhand serves over, but foot faulted.

This is almost to Boston which means getting up at 4:30AM and a 2.5-hour drive, so we decided to stay in a hotel.  We were excited to find one with a pool that the girls could enjoy before watching some Disney (we don't have cable at home) and taking as long of a shower as they want.  Ha.

We have been trying some new recipes lately and found a new favorite, Creamy Spinach Artichoke Chicken Thighs.   Natalie had the idea to shred the chicken and turn it into a dip to eat with french bread slices.  So we took that with us to the hotel for dinner.

We also decided to try Pineapple Siracha Glazed Chicken.

Natalie made High Honors again at Mt. Everett for her A's in Spanish and Honors Physical Science. 

Harley is preparing for her Spring Band Concert in May where they will play T-Rex, Ode to Joy, and Power Rock.  She gets to use the school's xylophone which is wooden and much larger than hers.  She has been working hard on mastering these.

For school this year, Harley had to start a blog.  I have encouraged her to pose even when she isn't scheduled to for school.  It is very cute.  She seems to enjoy it but wants more people to read it.  So I have been explaining that while the purpose of a blog is so that others can read it, it is also a type of journaling, meant to help her remember things about her life, or process through things in her life.   I hope she keeps it up.

I have been reading a book, 7: an experimental mutiny against excess.  It is very enlightening.  I have been on a journey of reducing for about three years now.  If it isn't used, incredibly sentimental, or needed for records (taxes, school, etc.) it is fair game.  I have tossed out, donated, handed down and repurposed everything from old clothes and furniture to sheets and pasta sauce jars.  We have tried to eliminate disposable items such as sandwich bags and paper towels, I have even joined the world of Menstrual Cups and Reusable Menstrual Pads. Randle, Natalie and I, all went No Poo at the beginning of last summer, meaning we do not use shampoo. I make my own "shampoo" out of soap nuts a fruit/nut that can be boiled and used as a shampoo, cleaner, body wash, etc.  Natalie tried soapnuts, and also tried Baking Soda and Vinegar.  Randle buzzed his head and went immediately Wwater Only.  Meaning her only uses a rag and water to wash his hair.  This was a big step for him, as he has always had really oily hair.  His hair is incredible now, his hair is no longer oily, and he can even skip a day of washing.    Natalie and Harley are now Oh Poo, meaning they use a soap, but it is free of chemicals and sulfates.  They use Dr. Bronner's with a little bit of Coconut milk added to it.  Natalie, Randle and I are also using this as a body wash.  Harley still loves her Bath and Body Works too much to transition.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More Volleyball, Spring Break, Movies and Celebrations

Natalie had another volleyball tournament.  This time, it was at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut.  It is by far my favorite location so far.  Her team finished 2nd in their pool and 3rd in their division.

Grandma sent money for the girls to go see Zootopia.  It was cute.  It has some undlying themes that i feel are simply brainwashing children to believe what is being pushed by our society right now, but at 11 and 14, they are able to discuss it with us and set agendas aside and enjoy a move about talking animals.  I love it!!

Harley is creating a character for Power Hour (Kids church) to help teach mini-Bible lessons.  This was her first run.  (Like within an hour of coming up with a verse/plan) I can't wait for her to finalize it with an outfit.

Spring has finally come to New England and with it all the cute ground squirells, Emma is enjoying chasing them, and even caught us one and left it for us as a treat.

The girls had Spring Break this past week and so we took a hike around camp.  They also got to aattend Kops and Kids Camp in Otis, MA.  They learned about orienteering, social media safety and got to see a Blue Man Group Show in Boston.

Natalie and Harley both got A's on big tests, so we celebrated with SOCO.  We were all happy it is warm enough to enjoy ice cream.  Well, almost warm enough.

Randle and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Aniversary Friday.  (4/22) 
We had a family game night and will try a Venetian Restaurant later next month or our date.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Camp Fair, The Grandparents Come North, and Another Volleyball Tournament

Randle had a camp fair all day Saturday.  This time it was really a Children's Music and Book Festival, though.  Harley and I went with him.  It was at a vocational school, so they had the farm animals on display.  We were talking to the teacher of the Farm department and explaining how Natalie loves animals and was going to be so jealous of her sister seeing the 1 day old lambs. Before we could finish the thought, he had picked up a lamb and put it in Harley's arms.  Harley also got to meet Jarret, the author of the Lunch Lady Series.  These are the books that really started Harley reading.  She couldn't put them down.  She was a little embarrassed, typical pre-teen, but I made her have her picture made anyway.  She will thank me later.  ;)

My mom and dad came for a visit during my mom’s Spring Break, so they got to us Easter Sunday and left the following Thursday.  We tried to pack as much in as we could.  Sunday we took them for a tour around camp, Monday they got to see where Natalie attends Physical Science and Spanish, went to lunch at Subway and then hung out around the house.   Tuesday, we took Natalie to school, walked around Great Barrington (in the freezing wind), and then hung out at the house.  I had to babysit from 2:30-6:30, so my mom made enchiladas for dinner and Natalie got to go shoot a 12 gauge with my dad.  She also learned how to clean it and cleaned her BB/Pellet gun as well.  Wednesday, we took Natalie to school, stopped by Staples to get a flash drive so my mom could get some pictures off of the computer and had breakfast and coffee at Big Y.  We took them to Umpachene Falls and then, had Lunch at Four Brothers Pizza and then took Harley to school for band.  After picking Harley up we went to Campbell Falls with is in both Connecticut and Massachusetts, and then on to Winsted, Connecticut to let them see the YMCA where Randle works in the Fall and Winter and then went Duck Pin bowling.  It was a lot of fun.

Randle went to see Superman VS Batman and then met me to go grocery shopping.  Natalie and Harley decided to stay home, so we had a mini-date and grabbed a quick dinner at Wayback Burgers.  I wasn't impressed with the burger, but the Chili Cheese Fries and Shake were great.  On the way home, Randle his a porcupine. He never saw it, only felt it.  It camp flying up and I had to swerve.  When we got home, we found quills in his tire.  

Natalie had another volleyball tournament at Chelsea Piers Connecticut.  They didn't do as well this time.  The whole team seemed to have an off day.  Still a lot of fun to watch. Natalie still did well.  
This time, we went down the night before so we wouldn't have to get up as early (5AM).  We stopped and had Chick-fil-a in Danbury Connecticut.  We love our Chick-fil-a.  

We were glad we went to the hotel, because there were small snow storms Sunday morning and visibility was poor.  We would probably have had to call and say we wouldn't be able to make it.  We woke up Monday to more snow.  Mt. Everett was canceled and we had a nice day of Math only and lots of Boy Meets World and Monk.  

Natalie Turns 14

Natalie is now officially 14.  It really is crazy to think how close to adulthood she is.  She is in her freshman year of high school.  She completed both 7th and 8th grade last school year so that she could be ahead.  She still wants to be a Vet.  She is planning for the time being on attending Auburn University and becoming a large animal vet.  She is into throwing knives, climbing trees, photography, and volleyball.  She is still as sweet as she has always been.  She wants everyone to be kind to one another, get along, and for everyone to be included.  She cannot stand to see someone hurting.  While she gets frustrated with her sister, she still looks out for her.  She loves to read and will read almost anything.

She wanted to go see Allegiant with three of her friends from her Science class.  So, Thursday 3/24,  we picked her friends up after school and had pizza at and then went to Apple Theater in Winsted.

Friday, 3/25, there was no School for Good Friday,  so Natalie was able to stay home and enjoy her day. Randle stayed home with the girls, while I babysat.  They made a camp video for Easter, Wally VS Hoppy. It turned out really cute. 

Natalie wanted to open her gifts before I went to work, so we brought them to her bedroom and let her open them.  She is loving outdoors and adventure type things right now, so we got her a multi-tool and a hydration backpack.  She bought a record player after Christmas, so we bought her some records as well.

For the second year in a row, Natalie requested a Reese's Peanut Butter Cake.  It is completely flour free, and so sweet it makes your mouth hurt.  We could only eat tiny pieces at a time.  It is a chocolate cake, with Peanut Butter Cream Icing, and a Chocolate ganache.  It is very rich and very good.  This years looks a lot prettier than last years.  Last year's cake was a definite Pinterest Fail, at least visually.